Public access improvements will soon be underway to the Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park and the City of Calgary’s Haskayne Legacy Park. A collaborative agreement has been reached that provides for increased visitation while being mindful of long-term environmental stewardship.

The project, slated to be completed in mid-2023 along with the land dedication detailed below, has come about as a result of a collaborative effort amongst landowner Pauli (Harvie) Smith, Dick and Lois Haskayne, the Glenbow Ranch Park Foundation, the City and Rocky View County.

“We look forward to partnering with the City of Calgary, Glenbow Ranch Park Foundation, and the Harvie and Haskayne families. This connection will support recreation, safety, and ease of movement. Rocky View County is proud to be part of a project that will bring significant and long-standing benefits to the community”, Crystal Kissel, Mayor of Rocky View County said.

According to Kyle Ripley, Director of Parks & Open Spaces at the City of Calgary, “The City of Calgary is excited for this collaborative agreement and the access that it will provide both to the Haskayne Legacy Park and the Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park. Providing connections to nature and green space is a priority for the City of Calgary and it is extremely appreciated and valued by Calgarians and the surrounding communities”.

In addition, Ms. Smith and the Haskaynes have entered into arrangements with the Foundation that will see about 150 acres of land adjacent to the new road allowance acquired by the Foundation along with an adjacent easement that will provide for a future additional connection of the two Parks on the north side of the CPR tracks. The arrangement is to be funded by donations from the Haskaynes and Ms. Smith and is subject to certain conditions being met prior to closing.

According to Ms. Smith, east access to Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park, and the future opportunity to further connect the two Parks, will result in increased visits to both Parks. “Our family vision in creating Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park was to inspire people to a higher level of environmental stewardship by visiting these lands. These latest efforts by all involved help advance the achievement of that vision”, she said.

According to Mr. Haskayne. “We are thrilled that the Haskayne Legacy Park edges closer to fruition. The dream, long held by Lois and myself that the magnificent lands stretching from the City of Calgary’s western limits, will adjoin the Glenbow Ranch Park and be connected by the TransCanada Trail. Well, it just couldn’t get any better than that!”

“We are thrilled that our neighbouring friends and stakeholders are making the dream that the Haskayne’s, the Harvie family, and our Foundation have shared, namely open access to both Parks connected by the Trans Canada Trail, a reality. We are collaborating with our partners at Alberta Parks on a new management plan for Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park and look forward to working with the Town of Cochrane on a pedestrian bridge connection in the west end of the Park as the next logical step to expanding our visitor experience”, said Michelle Delorme, Executive Director of Glenbow Ranch Park Foundation.

For further information please contact:

City of Calgary

Rockyview County

Pauli (Harvie) Smith

Dick and Lois Haskayne

Glenbow Ranch Park Foundation

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