Yodel Loop
Quick Facts
Trail Composition
Trail Profile

Highest Elevation:
Lowest Elevation:
Trail Details
One of the most popular ways for first-time visitors is to get a feel for the layout of the park.
The south branch of Yodel Loop sits atop of some of the Park’s best-quality fescue grasslands and overlooks the historic Glenbow Store and Post Office, Brickyards, and Corrals. Two scenic outlooks on the hill provide wonderful interpretive signage that provides a general overview of the Park’s most easily accessed natural and historic resources.
The easternmost end of the loop provides you with an opportunity to venture 0.4 km to the east and explore Scott Trail.
The north branch of Yodel Loop meanders briefly through the sheltered wooded backside of Yodel Hill, providing some respite from the summer sun and winter wind. The trail then breaks free of the trees, climbing gradually to meet up with Glenbow Trail, just south of the Park Office.
Trail Restrictions: Pedestrians only on the southern part of the loop (the hill). Both pedestrians and cyclists are permitted on the north part of the loop (the backside of Yodel Hill).