Susan Church

Susan worked for over 40 years in Alberta’s agriculture and food industry. Her passion is grassland conservation and farm animal care.
Susan was Manitoba’s first seasonal Park Naturalist. She moved to Calgary in 1971. She has served on the boards of the Calgary Stampede Fdn, 4H Alberta Fdn, Heritage Park Society, Animal Welfare Fdn of Canada, and chaired the Alberta Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC). She is a board member of the William Herron Fdn.
She served on Rocky View County’s Ag Service Board, the University of Calgary’s Veterinary Medicine (UCVM) Animal Care Committee and the Canadian Council of Animal Care. She received livestock industry recognition awards, including the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association’s Humane Care Award. She received the La Due Legends and Legacy Award for 2023. She sponsors an annual award for UCVM large animal grads.
Susan has been a Glenbow Ranch Park Steward since 2009. She started and coordinated the nest box program at the Park, part of a continent-wide citizen science program. She is an avid hiker, downhill and XC skier. She assists with her husband’s 400 cattle operation and together they have 13 grandchildren.